Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To Straigthen or Not to Straighten?

University of Cincinnati's Krimson and Kream Kappa Ball is this saturday, and I REALLY want a grown and sexy look for the evening.... I'm stressing about what to do with my hair! Today makes 5 weeks since my hair last recieved heat (blow dry and flat iron @ Paul Mitchell's Hair School).... My goal was a 6 week stretch until the next, and Saturday would make it 5 weeks and 4 days, close enough right? Lol. However, I KNOW that I'm going to get all sweaty and my hair style will ineveitable be sweated out, at least my roots and whatever pieces fall on my face. If I wore my hair in a natural style, this wouldn't be a problem.... UGH, I don't know what to do. I need to decide soon!


Tomorrow, a friend and I are participating in Xavier University's date auction to help raise money. I was thinking about doing a regular old twist out or trying a different bantu knot technique... Hm.... we'll see how I feel after tonight's evening class. Much love!

--Allie B, Lovin' Life Lovin' Me


Nai. said...

Hey! I hadn't put heat on my hair for 6 months (ahhhhh, never thought i'd do it. never ever stretched that long) I just blow dried my hair for the first time in a while, on LOW LOW heat, and I think I'm going to straighten my hair officially soon!
Maybe we can do this straighten on occasion stretch together? Lol!

LovinLifeNaturallyMe said...

6 months??? girl, how'd you wear it in the mean time? AND I agree! I think I'll flat iron this saturday...

Nai. said...

During that time, I just learned how to love, accept and take care of my natural hair. Experimenting with EVERYTHING from wash n gos, bantu knows, braid outs, twistouts, EVERYTHING. It was hard lol